Significant Turnover Declines
Port management wants to due to Corona-crisis aid policy
According to ZDS, the envelope of German Seaport operators during the first half of the year due to year-on-year corona by 15 million tonnes to 135,7 million tons sunk. Photo: Georg Wendt/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
The Corona-crisis, the German seaport operated stop. The Central Association now wants to take to deal with the consequences of the policy in the duty. Bureaucracy and competitive disadvantages have to be eliminated.
Given the clear Envelope decreases because of the Corona-crisis, the Central Association of German Seaport operators (ZDS) has demanded that the policy of more Engagement in the port industry.
“By the Corona pandemic, there was a significant reduction in the volumes, which are also reflected in the operating results and the investment capacity of the companies,” said ADS President Frank Dreeke in Hamburg. “We expect a challenging year 2021 and are in need of this and also of the next Federal government, an ambitious site policy.”
Under reference to the Federal Statistical office of the ZDS announced that the cover of the German seaport operating companies, decreased in the first half of the year compared to the prior-year period, corona due to 15 million tonnes to 135,7 million tons. The container throughput had declined in the first half of the year to 11.3 percent. For the full year will be considered across all areas of a decline in the mid single-digit percentage range.
“The Car handling the business in the spring came completely to a Standstill, so that individual locations posted declines of 80 percent or even more,” said ADS President and chief Executive officer of the Bremen-based BLG Logistics Group. With a recovery he expected at the earliest in the next year. Not much better over at the passenger transport. The cruise business has dropped in the first seven months of 94 per cent, in the case of the ferry services there was a decline of about 62 percent.
For a fair competition, the Association claimed, among other things, to reduce the Truck toll, and to strengthen the broadband expansion. It would have to be invested in transport infrastructure every year, at least 18 billion euros, and the planning and approval process be shortened. “The German port industry needs a policy of the Federal government, which clears at a competitive disadvantage and encourages Innovation,” said Dreeke. The German seaports are crucial to securing the Position of Germany as the export champion of the world. Nationwide were employed in port-dependent industry around 1.3 million people.
The ZDS also presented a position paper on the role of ports in the energy transition. Accordingly, the infrastructure for liquefied gas ships (LNG) needed to be significantly improved. The ports themselves should also be used in the development of hydrogen technology as locations for research and development. In addition, the Expansion of the Offshore had to be accelerated-wind power and shore power for ships “continue to make a profit be realized in order to reduce the pollutant emissions of ships in the ports,” said Association chief Dreeke.
Despite the provisional end of Wilhelmshaven as a location for a LNG Terminal in the ZDS’t see the for years, lurching from crisis to crisis Jade Weser Port in danger. “Yes, we need a lot of patience to steer the utilisation of the Jade-Weser-port in fact in satisfactory orbits,” said Deeker. But also because of the already in the shipyards, ordered a number of large container ships, he was optimistic that the deep-water port of Wilhelmshaven have a future.