Security call, a prevarication choice strategy supported to reduce the threats. With the help of it, the existing short situation on a core advantage joint with the purchase of call choices, to protect against price increases against outlooks. You have to pay a premium to purchase a call option; on the other hand, the threat of price actions is reduced. This strategy performs when the dealer is in a downtrend in the market and supposes prices to fall. That’s why he prefers a short position on the basic advantage. Though, he also purchases call options on a similar basic advantage to ensure that he undergoes a big loss if the basic price increases as a substitute.
Therefore, the protective call prevents price setbacks and acts as a protection policy. Estimated revenues can be maintained, and losses can be offset by proper use of proper calls. Another name of the protective call is artificial long put, due to its threats and the similarity of revenue profile to a long put. The highest revenue is infinite. Profits will continue to rise as the value of basic resources declines. The highest threat is restricted to the total of premium funded to purchase the call option. Therefore, a protective call is an easy and highly used prevarication strategy that the depositors used to secure their earned revenues, though still opening the status. Short traders added it to restrict their reverse threat.
Timing of proactive call strategy
When the stockholder is in a downtrend and is supposing the market to fall, then the proactive call strategy performs. Simultaneously, depositors are not convinced that prices can rise. In that case, the cautious stand will purchase a protective call to avoid price increases and maintain its revenues in the movement of a stock increase. This strategy just truly supports in doubtful situations. The stockholder should only hold his short rank exposed, not include the cost of purchasing a call option if he believes in a bearish trend. His revenue will be decreased by the premium funded for the call option.
The depositors should also trade the stock and avoid any risk when he is surely confident about the trend. At the same time, when the investor is definitely attracted to the trend, he should sell the stock instead and stop any loss. The premium paid for the call option will only close an increase to his risks. The highest revenue from the strategy is the same as the difference between the auction cost of the basic advantage and the existing cost of the basic option, minus the premium funded for the call option. As the base price falls, the produced revenue increases. Simultaneously, the strategic threat is partial.
The call option will perform when the basic cost, in contrast to the prospect of bearish shareholder increases. In such a case, the single threat of the shareholder is similar to the total of the premium paid to purchase the call option.
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Let suppose a buyer is marketing 250 shares of Reliance Industries Limited, with the existing market price of 745 each. In order to generate a protective call, the buyer also purchases an at-the-money call option at ü740 on similar shares at a premium of 22.

Condition 1
At the expiration of the option, the dealer will make a revenue (745-720) = 25, when the share price of Reliance decreases to 720, as he supposes. After the payment of the premium for the call option, the real revenue will be (25-22) = 3*250=750.
The trader would receive a direct revenue of (745- 720) = 25*250=6250 when the merchant did not use the protective call. As a result, the revenue significantly falls by paying a premium on the call option. Therefore, the trader should shorten the shares and not use the call option when he expects a fast market movement.
Condition 2
The short position decrease to (745-760) = 15*250= 3,750 when the share price of Reliance increases to 760 against the bearish expectations. The call option will be profitable (760-740) = 20 * 250=5,000, and used for money.
The net payment of the strategy will be -3750 + 5000-5500 = risk of 4,250. It is the highest strategy loss. Thus, with the help of a protective call, the investor can secure himself from extra risks when the basic cost rises instead of going down.
Benefits of proactive call
- The strategy is latent for infinite revenues.
- If the market moves in the opposite direction as estimated, the loss is partial.
Vulnerabilities of proactive call
- The revenue margin will be less than the premium amount when prices fall as estimated.
As a result, the proactive call is easy and cost-effective in insecure situations. However, a premium needs to be paid for buying the call option, which may reduce the profits. This strategy supports to avoid the revenue earned from short shares and prevent losses in the event of an increase in stock prices.
But, purchasing a call option requires paying a premium that can limit the revenue. So, the merchant requires the proactive call strategy to get the direction and tendency of the market. The revenues may get diluted without performing anything when the trader has no idea about the right direction.