Merkel: Fast and unbureaucratic help
Merkel promises for the part-Lockdown fast and unbureaucratic assistance. Photo: Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters Pool/Reuters
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Starting Monday, the public life in Germany is largely shut down. Chancellor Merkel, responding to Concerns of the businesses that have to close.
Before this Monday cultural activities, gastronomy and leisure facilities for a month to close, has Chancellor Angela Merkel of the economy backs up again to support.
“We are not alone, companies and businesses that have come through the current crisis through no fault in trouble,” said the CDU politician on Saturday published a Podcast. “We want to quickly and unbureaucratically.” On Wednesday, they will consult with the peak associations of employers and of the industry, such as the impact of the crisis more cushioned could be.
Merkel is right, the hard interventions in the coming weeks, justified, against the cultural and gastro industry protesting violently: “This second wave of the pandemic makes it necessary to act quickly and consistently,” she said. “We need to stop paying to the rapid increase in Infection, before our health care system is overloaded.” From the point of view of the science is clear, that should, if possible, meet little people, can become infected.
The measures were “hard” and the people Concerned pointed to the large loads, said Merkel. In many cases, the meet is now back in business, self-employed or associations that would have already suffered since the beginning of the pandemic, the loss of sales. The Chancellor referred to the additional aid of up to ten billion euros for the affected areas and assured: “The Federal government will continue to do everything Necessary in order to limit the burden of the pandemic on the economy and thus also for the jobs and our prosperity, and at the same time protect our health.”