Opening in a time of crisis
Transport Minister: Further support for BER is needed
Exterior view of the main terminal building of Capital airport Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt (BER). Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Central picture/dpa
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Only a few days In the new capital city airport, the last preparations for the Start of Saturday’s run. It is cleaned, everything has to Shine – the focus is on the money clouds but the anticipation.
In the Corona-crisis Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) sees a further need for state aid for the capital city airport BER.
The airport is open at a time, in the air transport is experiencing the biggest crisis in its history, said Scheuer in RBB-info radio. “For the BER, that is, that we need to look at the economic plans for the next few years once more intense.”
The owner of the airport company, Berlin, Brandenburg and the Federal government to support the company in this year already, with 300 million euros. Get a loan of around 550 million euros is confirmed.
The policy must now provide solutions, said Scheuer. These were connected with emergency and also for the BER. The will in the case of a national air transport summit at 6. November discussed.
The Minister said, for more international flights at BER use. “I’m with the Airlines in contact. But there is still no light at the end of the tunnel, because the Airlines reduce the currently rather. But Berlin is our capital city, Berlin must be a turnstile.” The BER will be opened this Saturday – with nine years ‘ delay.
In spite of all the difficulties of the former airport chief Hartmut Mehdorn sees a good future for the BER. “He is a beautiful and functional modern airport,” said Mehdorn, the German press Agency. “His role as an economic engine for the Region Berlin/Brandenburg will set after a short start-up by itself.”
In the past years, six opening burst dates for the third-largest German airport. Planning errors, construction defects, technical problems and staff changes, the project is back throwing again and again.
“This was no masterpiece by all Involved,” said Mehdorn. He had planned with an opening in 2017. This goal had to cash in his successor, Karsten mill field.
Mill field said: “I hope that the airport also works under high load, as well as Tegel, the investment recoup.” He wishes the project, that is not later structural defects occur.
Around six billion euros, were installed on ABOUT three Times as much as planned. “The BER was designed from the outset to be small,” said Mehdorn is the cause of many problems. “Berlin and Brandenburg after the reunification, were poor and had very many other priorities. You had to save and wanted.”
That is why you hired no General contractor, were not in the position to control a large-scale project effectively and to control. Devastating the permanent plan had been changes. “Anyone who plans a house, and it’s changing secretly in a three-family house should not be surprised at the end of time – overruns and delays.”
Added to this is the complex construction law, the aggravating all major projects. The problem with the BER, the structure with three of the owners had been. “Too many cooks spoil the broth,” said Mehdorn.