“Of Subsidised Climate Fraud”
Criticism of buying premium for Plug-in Hybrids
A car with a Plug-in hybrid technology is a E-charging station. Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Central picture/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
Also cars with the combustion engine and electric motor are supported with the electro-purchase premium. The Greens: The Benefits for the climate is fairly low.
On the buyer’s premium for electric cars criticism, because often the vehicles with the combustion engine and electric motor benefit.
In the case of the German car manufacturers, the demand for the city increases all-terrain vehicles (SUV) with both types of drives, velvet-rechargeable battery (Plug-in Hybrid), such as the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” reported. The acquisition will be funded since July with up to 6750 Euro. The delivery times for these models would be getting longer and longer, as a survey by the newspaper showed.
The Green politician Cem Özdemir, Chairman of the transport Committee in the Bundestag, spoke of a “state-subsidised climate fraud.” “A lot of drive almost exclusively with the fossil fuel burners and make use of the E-mobility only to start acceleration at the traffic light,” said Özdemir for justification. “This has devastating consequences for the credibility of the industry and for climate protection.”
The FDP-transport policy-makers Oliver Luksic warned in this connection that the auto industry “is politically regulated broken”. He also criticised the “crazy high subsidies” and calls to check how strong the battery in everyday life is actually used.
In September, travel Federal office (KBA) were according to the statistics of the power 21.188 pure electric passenger Cars newly registered as well as 20.127 Plug-in Hybrids.