Housing market
If Rents are skyrocketing, despite a career with 55 homeless
Who comes to late, has to ascend no Chance of the “property ladder”.
© Yui Mok / Picture Alliance
Bibi Lynch is 55 years, with some success, but has lived for ten years in a state of hidden homelessness and moves from a living room couch for the next guest bed.
In Germany, sought-after cities in the real estate prices are rising rapidly. In the report, “Global Real Estate Bubble Index” of the Swiss Bank UBS in Frankfurt and Munich, New York and London beat. “Overvaluation” is actually a category for investors, but for normal people, this means that The Rents go through the roof. Especially when the price is considered to be development for the really available on the market objects. As soon as social housing and Altmieter living for 20 years in her apartment and to a very large extent, before rent increases are protected, considered, calm the situation statistically. But not for those who are currently looking for an apartment.
In Munich the Rents have risen since 2010, to almost 40 percent. At the same time the purchase prices are increased, even more, they have doubled.
Real estate owners and have-nots
In cities like London, you can already see where the journey goes, if the real estate prices in Munich to rise in a year in real terms after deducting Inflation to eight percent. And what are the social costs that brings with it. On the one hand, are timely entered into the “property ladder” are. You have early bought an apartment and then increase in value for the next larger apartment sold. On the other hand, all of the for a municipal apartment to the rich, for the housing market but to stay poor.
An error was enough
The journalist Bibi Lynch is in the British “Telegraph” a ruthless insight into how you scars for over ten years of homelessness in the past. In spite of her quite successful career, Lynch was for many years fixed-term sublease nits and Couchsurfing through relationship. With 55 years she fears to be completely homeless, just as they believed that their living would have normalized the situation. Lynch suspected that the listeners of your broadcasts accept, among other things, in the case of the BBC, they belong to the “fat cats” of broadcasting, and in a fancy Studio in a trendy street in London would reside. Instead, she lives temporarily in a moldy hole, you lose now.
Lynch had actually done everything right: From the age of 18. The age of had you worked with 35 years ago they bought an apartment in London. So far So good. Five years later, she sold the object, because next door is a pesky noise makers was drafted. And then you took once in your life, a wrong turn: they sold the apartment with the Plan to buy another. But then came the economic crisis of 2008 – the self-employed women lost their income. With the profit from the sale of the apartment she kept above the water – but you lost so to purchase the necessary equity to the next apartment.
The soul and the circle of friends is ruined
A further factor came in: Lynch had no private rescue anchor. It has neither wealthy parents nor a well-earning man, you abfederten financially In London, a one-room apartment cost, but already 1500 pounds and up. “How could I afford that? I lived a few weeks with a friend, then five months in the case of my brother’s girlfriend, and then I found a WG.” With the WG, it was over, as the main tenant had met a man. And so Lynch went on, and became one of the hidden homeless that show up in any statistics. Like all those in the pro-forma nor a registration address, and “somehow” from one Couch to the next guest bed by shimmy.
“In ten years, I’ve moved 30 Times; 19 Times in a particularly charming 24 months. I slept on the Sofa of a Stranger and stayed in guest rooms, the friends of friends belonged to. Once I had to pack up and in the middle of the week off because a well Known did not want to have your friend with me in the same apartment.” In the housing market, she met such offers: they should share a wet room and the bed with a man at night and worked during the day, wrong. In London, for service personnel and other persons with a low income is already “the new normal”. She writes that this time of uncertainty have destroyed your self-esteem, mental health, and your entire life. This is a hidden homelessness has ruined your circle of friends. “You have helped me, and then I’m punished for that I accepted their charity,” she complains.
Three years ago, Lynch moved to East Sussex and had for the first time in an apartment. The was anything other than perfect, but she began to get her life on track. Also, the fact that you had to leave the apartment again, seemed to be no Problem. Until your Bank, without notice, your account will lock. Without Notice. Debts and outstanding invoices there were. Presumably, the Bank has not earned enough of her. However, with the terminated account, the credit rating is ruined, the chances of Bibi Lynch to find an apartment in the next few years, are equal to zero. Since you decided to the article, is actually a Cry of the tortured woman.
Source: Telegraph
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