Campaign of the Ministry of family Affairs
“Expressly distance ourselves”: professional Association of care criticized the mini-series “Ehrenpflegas” sharp
(v. l.), Miray, Boris and Harry Potter are the focus of the mini-series “Ehrenpflegas”, which is published in the framework of the campaign “make a career as a human being”
© Hirschen Group
With the mini-series “Ehrenpflegas”, developed in collaboration with the “Fack ju Göhte”-creators, wants to Minister for family Affairs, Giffey inspire more people from the caring professions. However, the professional associations are anything other than thrilled.
The Federal Ministry for family Affairs, senior citizens, women and youth is called desperately in search of young talent in the care. Therefore, it has devised a new strategy and a mini-series published in order to make young people to professions in the Old or nursing tastier. “Ehrenpflegas” is the name of the piece and is developed in collaboration with the creators of the cinema success of “Fack ju Göhte”.
A collaboration between the Ministry for family Affairs, and the inventors of Zeki “Chantal, heul leise” Miller, by the way, in the final product exactly as you would imagine: The Protagonist has already canceled numerous training, after he “had collected the Cash”, interested in burning it, what are the versions of the iPhone have to his fellow man and dreams of opening your own E-cigarette Shop. In addition, he begins his journey through the series with the words: “My Name is Boris. I am 25 years old and go to 1. Class. 1. Class Nursing School.” Why a small “in the” the message of the series in any Form would have been tampered with, remains open.
Needless to say, he has concluded “Old” at the end of the series so much to heart that he decides the profession of the old nurse, however, continue to exercise. No wonder, he finally gets the unit in the vocational school, a thunderous applause that he got a couple from the old people’s home phones, so you can “chat”. People who have built in your life is already a lot of crap, would sometimes flourish literally, if they were used, explains the teacher, with the 7-series iPhone of the class, why Boris was adopted for the training.
“Ehrenpflegas” to appeal to young people – but the representation is realistic?
In short: From diapers to change, Back injuries and low pay, far and wide no trace. A lot of the things the young people say so-and a love story that would make any “Bravo”-photo love story-reader pride. A short Cameo appearance from the Minister for family Affairs, Giffey personally – finished shallow entertainment that have to do with the reality of the profession probably a little, but entertaining 25 minutes.
“With the mini-series ‘Ehrenpflegas’ we want to pick up the young people in your life and exactly there, where you will get information in the social networks,” says Minister for Giffey in a press release for the series, and alludes to the fact that “Ehrenpflegas” is published on Youtube. The first result was clicked, after all, already almost 50,000 Times.
The problem is: The German professional Association for nursing professions, distanced himself on Tuesday in a press release explicitly from the series. “None of the been the nursing representative organisations” was “in the plans of the mini-series, the preparation or realization involved”. It is important for a campaign such as that of the family Ministry, “that the actual requirements in the healthcare professions is realistic drawn in the corresponding image. This makes the series in Conjunction with the other campaigns, not blocks.”
The conclusion of the professional Association: “We dissociate ourselves explicitly from the representation of the already in the first seconds of the generated statement, in the case of the nursing professions, it was a catch basin for all persons, which is opened at another point, no perspective. Nursing is a challenging field of action, for which it needs skills and abilities. Nobody stumbles into a nursing education.” The “clichéd Exaggeration” of the series reflect “at best, the prejudices of the makers and creators again.”
Sources: “The Federal Ministry for family Affairs, senior citizens, youth and women”, “German professional Association for nursing professions”