2021 less pickling cucumbers?
Farmers prepare for Harvest workers
Agricultural workers harvest Brussels sprouts. In the absence of helper from abroad, farmers had tried this year to fill gaps with volunteers from the domestic, such as students or people in short-time work. Photo: Joe Giddens/PA Wire/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
The asparagus shot, the strawberries ripened and the fields should be ordered. Desperately were looking for the farmers in the spring to helpers, because harvest workers from Eastern Europe were missing. This should also be in the upcoming spring issue.
The farmers in Germany are preparing now for the Start of the growing season, and the employment of seasonal workers under the special Corona conditions.
In the year 2020, approximately 30,000 harvest workers from Eastern Europe had nationwide been flown in part, an extra, said the President of the Bavarian and Vice-President of the German farmers ‘ Association, Walter Heidl. Also in the new year at least as many helpers are needed. “I’m going back to a comparable procedure.”
In normal years, nationwide have been ten Times as many harvest workers has, in Bavaria alone, there were more than 30,000. It should, because of the persistent Corona be-crisis is not possible, to employ a sufficient number of workers from abroad could Reap corruption, or some of the plants in the fields or in the greenhouses are not planted until, warned Heidl.
The first aider will be asked early in the year. “And in the spring the soil warms up, off go the field work.” On the front it asparagus and strawberries. Here it was given this year to problems, and some asparagus could not be harvested.
The farmers are here, the conditions for use under new strict hygiene rules ensure. Part will be amended again at the accommodation, to allow the necessary distance. Basically, the experience of the season 2020 have shown that the requirements can be met. “It has worked very well.” There are only a few of the Corona had been outbreaks among Harvest workers.
Some of the farmer’s body also with a modified mounting concept on the Situation in the upcoming season. “Already fell for some farmers, the decision whether or not you can grow certain crops at all.” In the case of hops, asparagus or wine as perennial plants, a change would be difficult. Some of the cucumber farmer, however, consider whether he should place this year on pickling cucumbers – the harvest is not possible without a helper handy to.
Certain products were also less in demand. “The fresh market in the direction of gastronomy has suffered with the Corona conditions,” said Heidl. This applies in particular to potatoes for asparagus and French Fries.
In the absence of helper from abroad, farmers had tried this year to fill gaps with volunteers from the domestic, such as students or people in short-time work. However, it is often said, these were willing, but untrained, and the heavy work on the field is often not used.