With KPMG’s special report
Grenke wants to Viceroy-accusations out of the way
The Grenke Board wants to leave with a KPMG special report on the Viceroy’s allegations rebut. Photo: Uli Deck/dpa
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The stock market pressure on troubled leasing company defends itself. The allegations of the Investor were false, baseless and fictitious. Auditors to substantiate this claim. What is the response of investors?
The leasing group Grenke wants to leave the against him of financial speculators allegations with a special report of the auditors of KPMG invalidate. The have decided to the Supervisory Board, informed Grenke in Baden-Baden.
“According to the unanimous view of the management Board and the Supervisory Board, all of the allegations in all of the subject areas are unfounded,” it said in an extensive written opinion.
The claims of the investors group Viceroy was unfounded, and to protest against any comparison with Wirecard the due to balance sheet manipulation are now insolvent, the payment service provider, which is still Short in the Dax, was listed. “We are honest merchants,” said the Grenke Chairman of the Board Antje Leminsky on Friday at a press conference.
The Viceroy had criticized on Tuesday, among other things, the Franchising System of the Grenke as a fraud construct on a large scale and not claiming to be a large part of the annual report listed financial resources exist. Grenke rejected on Friday again as false, baseless and fictitious.
On the stock exchange in the opinion of the Board, and the statements from the press conference as well. The MDax-listed company turned positive and rose slightly to 36 euros. Thus, the paper continued to recover from the violent crash on Tuesday and Wednesday as a result of the Viceroy-allegations. The rate dropped temporarily under the brand of 24 Euro.
In spite of the since then used in the rest of the paper is, however, significantly lower than the level it had before the attack of the empty vendor’s Viceroy, as the stock commanded a price of around 55 euros. Leminsky, assumes, however, that the shares will recover in the course again. They regretted that the Viceroy had previously received no contact and the company was caught unprepared in this Situation.
The thing is also tricky, because the Viceroy with the story – worthy, as in other cases, even a lot of money. With so-called short sales, investors group has made a bet on the crash of the Grenke share and makes it is also no secret. Next week Grenke wants to decide whether and, if so, what legal steps against the Viceroy.