Travellers steer clear of Adriatic country
Croatia: concern in tourism because of the increasing Corona cases
Bathers basking on the beach Bacvice. Due to the increase in the number of coronavirus infections, the Foreign office has issued a travel warning for parts of the holiday country, Croatia. Photo: Fernando Gutierrez-Juarez/dpa-Central picture/dpa
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Party-tourists and beach clubs: Croatia reports almost daily new record values in the Corona infections. The has now to follow. Austria, Italy and Slovenia have issued travel warnings. Germany warns of two regions.
The rising number of coronavirus infections in Croatia hard hit the local tourism sector. Foreign guests began to leave the country or cancel their reservations, reported the state broadcaster HRT on Saturday.
Austria, Italy and Slovenia have imposed travel warnings for the entire country on the Adriatic sea, the Foreign office in Germany warns against travel in the two regions. Tourists from these four countries make up the Bulk of the foreign visitors in Croatia.
“Unfortunately, we see that the guests depart the hotel, especially from Germany, Austria, Slovenia and other countries that have set us on a red list,” said Filip Kulusic from the tourism company Croatian Adriatic International Club of the transmitter. “People go for many reasons – family, politics, work,” said Kulusic more. “Ultimately, you want to be home and safe.”
Tourism is a very important industry in Croatia: It makes up about 20 percent of the gross domestic product. The country had at the 1. July for tourists and up to the recent increase in the Corona cases, a high number of visitors open reported. The tourism season usually lasts until October. The German citizens of Croatia is one of the most popular foreign destinations, with a high proportion of individual travellers.
In Germany the classification as a risk area, the means for returning vacationers and mandatory Testing, the Coronavirus attacks. Until the result is available, you need to go into home quarantine. A Central criterion for the classification as a risk area in which States or regions, there has been in the past seven days, more than 50 Neuinfizierte per 100 000 inhabitants.
Croatia had registered a steep Neuanstieg in Corona cases. On Friday, the authorities reported a new record value of 265 cases within the previous 24 hours.