Straw fire?
High subsidies make electric cars suddenly to racers
At the upcoming auto summit it should go to the Expansion of the Charging infrastructure for E-cars. The customers, thanks to the premium and tax benefits but already. But this could be a straw fire. Photo: Martin Gerten/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
At the upcoming auto summit it should go to the Expansion of the Charging infrastructure for E-cars. The customers, thanks to the premium and tax benefits but already. But this could be a straw fire.
It appears, however, especially at the price and the range is not fear or a lack of infrastructure: due to the high premium electric cars and Plug start-in Hybrids all of a sudden. At least on paper, the also suppresses the CO2-emissions of new vehicle registrations significantly.
Now the Federal government and the vehicle industry want to be on a new “Auto summit” this Tuesday (17. November) on additional funding and the Expansion of the charging infrastructure, think of the lag the Boom afterwards.
With Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) and Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) have already voted in two Union heavyweights for an extension of the actually, in the coming year, expiring “innovation premium” up to the year 2025. Two Times the Federal government has increased this year, the promotion In February, the maximum sentence increased from 4000 to 6000 euros. Since June, are included in the manufacturer’s share of 9000 euros.
Both of these Changes have been reflected directly in the number of new registrations, and applications for funding low: In March both rose significantly before they were slowed down by Corona out. But really it started after second increase: In October, the current record was achieved with applications for well-34.200 cars in a month. A year ago, he was at 10100. In the case of new registrations, the Figures are even slightly higher: 48.017 pure electric cars and Plug-in Hybrid came in October on the road. The 17.5 percent of new vehicle registrations less than 7 percent at the beginning of the year.
Car expert Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, the high subsidies holds, however, for a dangerous and in the long term, priceless Gift. According to regular discount study discount fraud in October for all-electric new cars average of 36.9 percent – about twice as much as in the case of the combustion engine. And after the Party, a fierce hangover the threat of the industry not only because of the low residual values of the Used: “The pure electric business is clearly a break-in, and in the case of the hybrid car manufacturers have to set their own incentives. Without subsidies you can’t get rid of the”, says Dudenhöffer. Now, Consumers learn that the purchase of an electric vehicle is a risky investment, the need to cushion the impact of high co-payments.
Particularly Plug are just-In-Hybrid as-a-service benefits for private use of cars due to the tax demand. The share of private customers spent 24 percent, significantly lower than the full-streamers with 47 percent, says Dudenhöffer. He holds the fastest growing type of drive for a “sham”. Nobody knew how frequently the most severe Hybrid actually, with electricity to be recharged, or as a pure gas on the way.
On paper at least, the current Boom pushes the average CO2 emissions of new cars registered in Germany. In the first half of the year, he commuted to 150 grams per kilometre. Then it went down. In October, he was, according to the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt in 131,4 grams.
Currently, there is by the premium a lot of “steam” when it comes to electrified cars, says Thomas Peckruhn, Vice-President of the Central Association German motor vehicle trade (ZDK). Because of the long delivery times have to worry that some customers already, if they were still in time for a car to take advantage of the bonus. The concern for the additional pressure. He does not assume that the premium is eliminated in the next few years. In order for development to be sustainable, must be maintained and the promotion and public charging infrastructure improves.
The energy industry will, however, do not rush. Because of the still comparatively low number of currently, around 440,000 E-cars now 33.100 load columns, counted as before, stressed on Monday, the industry Association BDEW. The infrastructure problems were known for a long time, scolds, however, an industry expert Stefan Bratzel. To clarify is about how motorists authenticate to the charging stations, as the charging process is settled, and how is it ensured that the charging stations are not blocked by fully loaded vehicles. “It is not only about quantity but also about the charging infrastructure will be reliably operated and works.”
The break-in by means of the Corona crisis was made through the intervention of the premium more than offset, certify the experts of the consulting company Deloitte. The Federal government’s output target of 10 million electric cars on German roads in the year 2030 remain, however, unrealistic. In fact, the Deloitte consultants recommend an extended premium and significantly more unpopular – a 30 cents increase in price for every Liter of Diesel and petrol. The much-touted end of the burner will last but still, expected up to the year 2040.