Column: Here is the Boomer speaks
The new enthusiasm for the stock: Germany Is still a country of the investors?
Stock trading takes place increasingly via Smartphones
The Germans are a fearful people. Especially when it comes to money. And yet, in these uncertain times, the number of investors is fast drying up. A refreshing sign of optimism, finds our columnist Frank Schmiechen.
What, then, is suddenly in the German threats? There is a clear sign of Confidence! Who would have thought? And in the midst of all these crises and uncertainties: Corona, refugees, recession, Putin. However, the Germans seem to keep all that for solvable, you will have to buy suddenly shares we seldom earlier. This shows an analysis of the direct Bank ING.
The Germans discover the stock exchange
Ironically, during the historic slump of the economy, the Germans covered with securities. Also at the depot openings, there were record-breaking numbers. The Land of being hesitant and Fearful is the purchase of shares in this year in Europe. Financial experts speak of a “sensational development”.
Securities are always bets on the future development. Translated, you could say so: The Germans are optimistic about their future. They assume that the economy is recovering, the prices continue to rise. So as you have done before the crisis.
And the newcomers can feel right away how stock market professionals. Because shares also buys the Auskenner in the deepest Depression. If the courses and the mood is in the basement. If no one get more pleasure. This was in the spring, undoubtedly, the case. The subsequent recovery have brought many new investors to the full. Congratulations!
A few weeks ago, a young colleague approached me and asked whether it was worth a share-savings plan to start. I was taken aback and told her urgently. A young woman and shares? This was previously not a widely used combination in my environment. But the analysis shows that especially young Germans want to be on the stock exchange and depot open.
Digitisation spurred the purchase of shares of
Share, you are today using a Smartphone. There are so-called “Robo-Advisor”, the lead investors through the jungle of choices, or all of the by algorithm. A Bank must no longer enter. Perhaps the digital Generation is also a Generation of stock investors.
But 40 percent of the assets of the German are still current accounts or under the bed linen in the wardrobe. There is a lot of air is so still up in the matter of stock exchange. An important step would be, if in schools, dealing with investments and stocks would be taught. This is at least as important as the citric acid cycle in biology – and a lot more fun in your wallet.