Relationship London-Brussels
Premier Johnson still hopes to Brexit-trade Pact
The head of government in difficult times: The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Photo: Leon Neal/PA Wire/dpa
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The clock is ticking. Progress in the slow talks between London and Brussels, a Brexit-trade Pact in the last meters still?
The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, hopes that Brussels and London are a few in the coming days, but even on a Brexit-trade Pact.
If this should not succeed, is the UK prepared for a “very, very well,” said Johnson, the news channel Sky News. Johnson confirmed in the Interview from the Friday, that it could come in seven to ten days to reach an agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Therefore, a decision to have the upcoming weekend around would be possible.
From Ireland on Saturday, there was doubt that the conversation between Johnson and von der Leyen could bring a breakthrough. “Personally, I expect no big progress today,” said Thomas Byrne, of the issues in the Irish Department of foreign Affairs responsible for Europe. It would have to be to clarified a lot of issues, the politician told the British broadcaster BBC.
The Brexit-the transition phase ends in less than two months. Then the UK leaves the EU single market and the customs Union, and without the Deal it would come to a harsh economic collapse. Both sides defendant finally, significant differences in the topics of competitive conditions, arbitration rules, and fishing.
The talks between the EU and the UK, took place over many months, very slowly. Left London in the meantime, even the negotiating table. Brussels had initially said that an agreement must stand until the end of October, so that a Treaty could still be ratified. The deadline passed, but the conversations have continued. Without a contract, duties and other trade barriers threaten.
In the light of the Corona pandemic, the pressure on London has grown significantly, to bring a Deal with Brussels, and thus even greater economic damage. Critics accuse Johnson to be a bad crisis Manager. He had to react late, and wrong on the pandemic and the country harm.
In the United Kingdom is also suspected that Johnson wants to await the outcome of the U.S. presidential election. Donald Trump is a Brexit supporters and supporters of a trade agreement of USA with the UK. His democratic Challenger, Joe Biden, on the other hand is devoted to more of the EU: “Biden is not a Fan of the Brexits,” said the former British Ambassador to the US, Kim Darroch, on Saturday, the BBC. With a victory, Biden’s would go up according to media, the chances for a trade Pact between London and Brussels. Much hinted on Saturday that Trump needs to vacate the White house.
In the case of a No-Deal Leaving the consequences would be massive: thousands load are jamming car according to forecasts, due to the border controls in the area of Dover, many of the shelves in supermarkets and pharmacies to be empty. The EU’s member States would be taken. Tens of thousands of Jobs are at risk, warned recently about the Federation of German industries (BDI). In the UK political turmoil threaten the inside. Scotland’s aspiration to independence could be greater.