New orders concern
Railway industry with record sales
A view into a production hall for double-Decker cars for the railway company Bombardier Transportation in Bautzen (Saxony). Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Central picture/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
Similar to the construction industry, the rail industry has weathered the crisis well so far. This is mainly due to in the past few years, the well-filled order books. But, once they are processed, it becomes difficult.
The rail industry has benefited in the Corona-crisis of well-filled order books and in the first half of the year with a record turnover achieved.
Because, however, especially from abroad, there are hardly any new orders are added, is likely to worsen the situation of the industry from the point of view of your Association soon. “The supply chains have been kept in the crisis”, – said the President of the Association of the railway industry in Germany (VDB), Andre Roden Beck, in Berlin. “The very dynamic sales evidence.”
This increased in the first six months of this year compared to the previous year by more than a quarter to 6.4 billion euros. “A Plus, reflecting the high order intake of the last two years,” said Rodenbeck. “And Plus, the resilience of the rail industry is reflected in Germany.” 4.4 billion euros, accounted for, therefore, on the sale of rail vehicles such as locomotives and trains. The rest of the revenue the industry made with components for the rail infrastructure.
Around 40 percent of its business makes, the German railway industry abroad. And that could be in the coming months to the Problem. “The order intake in the Export breaks solid,” said Rodenbeck. “This makes us very great concern.” Around a third of the intake of new Orders declined, therefore, from abroad, and in the first half of the year, so that when a volume of only 2.3 billion euros to 3.6 billion euros in the first half of 2019.
While the demand for infrastructure components is increased both in domestic and abroad in the first six months of significantly missing from the orders, particularly with regard to rail vehicles. More than half of the orders from abroad collapsed there and was in the first half of the year, at 1.4 billion Euro.
Because in Germany, railway and Federal investment in Rail in the past months and also in the crisis to abide by, is more relaxed, the situation in the country. The future loss of revenue from abroad, you can from the point of view of the Association but will not compensate for. Rodenbeck said, therefore, that in the economic stimulus package is planned investment in the rail implement infrastructure faster than originally planned. Especially the often outdated positioners could be quicker to modernize. Several Thousand jobs could be created.