Moderate Salary Increases
Rail and toe reach agreement in collective bargaining
The Bahn and the EVG reached in the collective bargaining agreement. Photo: Gero Breloer/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
Agreement in collective bargaining in the German railway: in Spite of the Corona-crisis and billions of losses to get the employees more money. However, the wage and salary increases are likely to be lower than in the previous years.
After weeks of struggle, the Deutsche Bahn and the railway and transport Union (EVG) are in their collective bargaining agreement. Both sides agreed to moderate wage and salary increases, such as the trade Union and the group informed.
Exact Numbers were not known. In the negotiations both sides had agreed on a corridor of 0.5 to 1.5 percent increase in wages. Most recently, the ECG had demanded 1.5 per cent more money for the employees. Details want to imagine the negotiators on Friday morning.
“Our collective agreement protects employees of DB AG until the beginning of 2023, before the impact of the Corona pandemic. That was exactly our goal,” said the designated toe-Chairman, Klaus-Dieter Hommel,.
For Deutsche Bahn, the agreement is, according to a notice in the evening, a “balanced conclusion”. Chief of staff Martin Seiler said: “The agreement is a reduction in times of vacancies or short-time working in the German economy a common Signal of responsibility.”
The tariff package includes the toe, according to operation-related redundancies for the entire term. In addition, Employees with children have the opportunity to have up to 50 days for the care-free. 100 days are left, therefore, for a single employee.
In the case of the due to the Corona-crisis early collective negotiations, there was also the question of how to 2024, with around two billion euros in staff and savings, without jeopardising the setting-offensive of the German railway.
In may the Federal transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer (CSU), the management Board of DB AG, the ECG and the Group works Council had agreed on in the “Alliance for our track”, there should be no job cuts and an end to the current settings. This year alone, the railway wants to win 25,000 new employees. For around 21,000, it was the railway that is already a job acceptance letter.
However, the group has moved into the Corona-crisis, billions in losses, which are compensated for in part by the Federal government. However, the company needs to reduce costs.
According to low will now be the increase in wages and salaries. The trade Union bodies had called last week for a 1.5 percent increase in wages and thus the upper end of a range to which both sides agreed previously had. In the previous collective bargaining two years ago, the Union had achieved a salary increase in two steps from 3.5 per cent to 2.6 per cent. Now the jump is likely to be significantly smaller.
It remains open whether there is also a tariff package with the train drivers ‘ Union GDL. The railway employees in Germany alone, nearly 215,000 employees.