More by view for honey with the “origin earth”
Consumer advocates and beekeepers are calling for more stringent requirements for the labelling of honey. Photo: Oliver Berg/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
From what country is the Golden-yellow honey comes on the Breakfast bread, it is often hard to tell – it is not simply on the glass. The want to change not only consumer advocates and beekeepers.
Potatoes from the Region, specialities from Italy: In the supermarket there are many like it, where food is from, exactly.
However, sometimes it is called also the “blend of EU and Non-EU countries” – namely, to many honey jars on the shelves. The forecast is not as “origin: Planet earth,” complained the consumer organisation Foodwatch. “For alien, such a marking might be interesting.” Also, beekeepers are calling for clearer indications of origin. The Federal food Minister, Julia Klöckner (CDU) supported a push for tougher EU.
“The current labeling of honey is the height of absurdity hardly,” said a food watch speaker. “Who thinks up these rules, anyway?” The food manufacturers should be required to have at least the countries of origin of the main disclose the ingredients of their products. The German Beekeepers Association makes also the pressure: “part of This is that in addition to each country of origin of the respective percentage share of the product would have to be called,” said a spokeswoman. General names on the label shows the consumer that is foreign goods.
In this case, the country of origin must be indicated, in principle, as an EU-Directive specifies. The contents of the honey jar but comes from a number of countries, it can also be lump sum entries for the total mixture: of the 27 EU-countries “Non-EU-countries” around the globe, or just a “blend of honeys from EU and Non-EU countries”. On many labels, is not to be found – usually in the small print, the “gold creamy country honey” to “string of delicate beekeeper honey”. At least a little more specific information, such as honey “from Europe and South America,” or imprints such as “Bulgaria, Austria”.
The background is that the domestic production covers the demand. The Triple is imported to Germany. The largest quantities were according to the Federal statistical office, in 2019 from Mexico, the Ukraine and Argentina – EU-partners from Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. According to industry sources, the Mixing of different honeys from around the world that guarantees a “consistently high quality”, also the usual taste. The Region made no difference. “Because of the origin of honey is always the bee,” argues the honey-Association of importers and Bottlers. A precise indication of the country of origin would be “irritating” for customers. That would be quality differences, which are not available.
In the EU, however, is movement, to sharpen the requirements. A push from the 16 member States to the beginning of the year aims, in the case of honey, the indication of the respective countries of origin make mixes for duty. It was also Germany is a concern, according to the Federal Ministry of nutrition. To name individual countries, the higher the need for information of consumers. The discussions should be placed in the German EU-presidency.
In the super markets, is part of honey with a proven origin from Germany is usually not the cheapest. As the Beekeepers Association, imports from China looks to “extremely low prices” with concern. In the case of the brand “Genuine German honey” also shows an address on the glass, from which Region he comes from, and completely as the Association explained. The label should include information about the origin and type of honey can be combined – for example, pine honey from the black forest or the Bavarian forest honey. For even more local information, it is then also on the flight radius of the bees.