Sales Strongest Of The Year
50. Birthday: frozen pizza experienced Corona-Boom
The food manufacturer Dr. Oetker in the year 1970, the first frozen pizza on the market
© Jochen Tack / Picture Alliance
The frozen pizza has existed for 50 years. This year, the sales of the pizzas has reached a new peak.
The manufacturer, Dr. Oetker brought to rest in 1970, the first frozen pizza with the name “Pizza alla Romana” in the German cools. Since then, many fall on the quickly-made dish. The frozen pizza is celebrating a record year.
“Sales of frozen pizza will achieve this year a new peak,” said the industry Association of German deep-freeze Institute in Berlin, the German press Agency. “Every resident of Germany eats an average of 13 frozen pizzas per year – and rising.” Ten years ago, there were accordingly only ten, 20 years ago five and 30 years ago only three.
According to the deep-freeze Institute the Germans have, since the Corona-crisis supplies at the end of February more with TK food – especially frozen pizzas. “The consumers supply themselves with frozen food for immediate consumption, but also for the stocking.”
Sales of frozen pizza
The demand for frozen foods in food trade since the eleventh calendar week (9. to 15. March) grew in the double digits, it said further. In the first half of the year 2020, the group of goods have increased frozen pizza sales by seven percent.
In contrast, the consumption broke out of the house by the so-called Lockdown drastically. “The same is true of the TK-manufacturer hard, the produce for the restaurant. Since important sales work markets, such as the Operation of restaurants and training Board continue to be severely below the normal level.”
Last year, more than a billion TK were in Germany-pizzas consumed – were about 360,000 tons.
The first frozen pizza from Dr. Oetker
The first frozen pizza came 50 years ago in the German trade. The food manufacturer Dr. Oetker brought to you in 1970 on the market. The strain was called “Pizza alla Romana” and was filled with tomatoes, peppers, Mortadella and Mozzarella. “For two people, you should be rich and was with a DM 2.95 not exactly cheap in a time in which the average worker earned 1100 DM of the month”, as it is stated by Dr. Oetker in Bielefeld, Germany.