Federal Statistical Office
E-Bike Boom in Germany: These age groups enjoy to ride electric
Electric bicycles are becoming ever more popular
© Christin Klose / Picture Alliance
E-Bikes in Germany is on the rise, the industry is booming. According to the Federal statistical office, is currently available in more than four million German households is electrically cycled. And the trend is rising.
More and more German cycle electric – this is the result of a study by the Federal Statistical office published on Monday. The Numbers in the past five years has almost tripled. At the beginning of the years, 4.3 million households owning at least one E-Bike, in early 2015, there were only 1.5 million households.
Thus, there is about every ninth household in Germany (11.4 percent), at least one E-Bike. Almost two-thirds (65.6 percent) have an electric bike, in every third household of two E-Bikes are even in the basement. A little more than one percent of the households had three or more electric bicycles.
Who loves with the E-Bike?
Especially in the elderly E are popular Bikes, the Wiesbaden-based statisticians. Households whose main income earner was between 65 and 69 years of age, bicycles owned, with 16 per cent of the most common electric. In the case of the house of earners between 55 and 64 years and 70 to 79 years, to keep up with the Main, it was a good 14 percent. However, there were only 9 per cent in households with a main earner between 45 and 55 years.
E-Bikes power the bike industry for years, with sometimes two-digit growth rates in sales. In the Corona-crisis, which gave the Radbranche strong momentum, sold electric bicycles well again. Sales increased in the first half of the year by more than 15 percent compared to the previous year period, recently reported the two-Wheeler industry Association (ZIV).