Business information Agency
Credit reform: 24.000 or more bankruptcies 2021
The corona restrictions worry many shops for economic problems – some threatened with closure. Photo: Michael Reichel/dpa-Central picture/dpa
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In the Corona of the year, there will be significantly less insolvency proceedings than in the previous year. Reason for this is the loosening of the insolvency law. For 2021, the credit reform expects, however, with an increase in.
The economic credit Agency credit reform expects in the coming year, with a significant increase in the insolvency proceedings in the German economy.
Managing Director Volker Ulbricht speaks in the “New Osnabrücker Zeitung” of up to 24,000 or more procedures: “I reckon that the wave of insolvencies in the first quarter of 2021 to a climax, and then show how the second Lockdown of the impact of in addition,” said Ulbricht. Under the impression of the upcoming “lightweight” lock downs in November, the picture for many sectors will darken significantly – in spite of the addition announced.
For this year, the economic forecasting Agency of 17,000 to 18,000 insolvency proceedings and, therefore, less than last year. “The fact that the number of insolvencies is expected to fall in this year, less than 2019, is only explained by the fact that too many freeloaders support in the claim or of the suspension of the obligation to apply for Insolvency have benefited,” said Ulbricht. In the first half of the year 2020, the number of business bankruptcies had declined in spite of Corona, according to previous information from credit reform by 8.2 percent to 8900 cases. The bankruptcy happen to have decoupled from the real economic Situation of enterprises, – said Ulbricht at the time.
If a company has permanently no more money, it must normally present a bankruptcy petition at the district court. Already in the case of insolvency and over-Indebtedness of the application after a certain period of duty.
Most recently was eased due to the tense situation of many companies in the insolvency law. Companies that have over-indebted in the Corona-crisis, must face up to the end of the year, no application for insolvency. You must, however, be more able to pay.