Consumer protection
Demands for automatic compensation in case of delay
A display panel shows the delay of several flights. Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
The train or the plane is too late, is to flow the compensation easily. For the SPD, and consumer advocates to make strong.
Rail customers and passengers should be compensated according to the view of the SPD and the consumer protection agencies in the event of delays in the future automatically.
“We keep automatic contract compensation is reasonable,” said the legal policy spokesman of the SPD parliamentary group, Johannes Fechner, the “Handelsblatt”. “This could be started with the “easy” cases, for example when Tickets were booked online and the suppliers, all for the compensation of the necessary data is available.”
Germany’s top consumer advocates Klaus Müller sees the need for action. “The Federal government must work to ensure that the flight companies consumers will compensate in a friendly, timely, and online-based”, – said the head of the Federation of German consumer organizations (vzbv) the sheet. The automated ticket refund must function consistently. Federal consumer Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) had to introduce – as in the coalition agreement announced the introduction of an automated compensation in the context of so-called smart contracts.
The CDU, CSU and SPD were in coalition contract in 2018, it is prudent consumers, “the law enforcement due to digitization and, in particular, in the case of smart contracts” to facilitate: “Therefore, we the development of the automatic contract compensation to promote and in a legally secure way.”