Combined Grid Solution
New electricity connection in the Baltic sea connects two wind farms
A 50Hertz employees at the inauguration of the German-Danish hybrid Offshore Interconnector, in the German and Danish Offshore wind parks in the Baltic sea will be integrated. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
Germany and Denmark can share in the future, electricity from Offshore wind parks in both directions. The unique project is called the Combined Grid Solution (CGS)
Representatives from politics and the energy industry have opened a new electricity connection between Denmark and Germany in the Baltic sea, which connects the two wind farms together.
This so-called Combined Grid Solution to increase the capacity for the exchange of Electricity between the two countries and the European electricity market linking. The new line serves for the Transport of Offshore-wind parks electricity produced in the country, as well as for the exchange of Electricity between Denmark and Germany.
“This is something, what is there for the first Time in the world, and certainly not for the last Time,” said the head of the East German transmission network operator 50Hertz, Stefan Kapferer, at a ceremony in Berlin. In the event, among others Federal Minister for economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier (CDU), the Danish energy Minister, Dan Jørgensen, as well as Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s energy Minister Christian level (SPD) took part.
50Hertz operates the new network connection, together with the Danish transmission system operator Energinet. The project cost according to 50Hertz 300 million euros and is financed half by the EU. The other half of the share, therefore, Energienet and 50Hertz. The German Offshore wind Park Baltic 2 and the construction of a Danish wind farm Kriegers Flak-both of which are connected approximately 25 km apart only.