Because Of Corona Limitations
Flixbus and Flixtrain a place temporarily
Already in the spring of Flixbus had offered in the light of the Corona-pads temporarily, no more. Photo: Fabian summer/dpa
© dpa-infocom GmbH
The bus providers Flixbus, due to the new Corona-contact restrictions to its operations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland 3. November a temporary.
The bus providers Flixbus, due to the new Corona-contact restrictions to its operations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland 3. November a temporary.
Also, the long-distance railway companies Flixtrain trains Tuesday on a provisional basis, as the company Flixmobility announced on Friday.
If it allow the Situation, wool Flixbus start operating up to the holidays. “Also Flixtrain is to, as soon as it is possible and makes sense, again.” Co-founder and managing Director André Schwämmlein said, this decision of the case easily. “Finally, our modes of transport even in times of Corona, two of the safest means of transport.” Nevertheless, one must react to the current situation.
In spring, the company had offered in the light of the Corona-pads temporarily, no more. “In the summer, we were able to use then again about half of our network. We follow a very strong demand,” said Schwämmlein of the “world on Sunday”. Already in October you’ve seen but, again, “a slowdown in the desire to travel”. “At the Moment we are about 30 percent, but will reduce again, because of the political desire is that one travels”.
In the operation of trains Flixtrain would have received according to the company, a minimum operation. “For economic reasons, this is unfortunately not possible.” The Deutsche Bahn AG holding, however, operate largely without restrictions in an upright position. Although from the point of view of Flixmobility of the EU legal framework would be given, than to adopt immediately help about the route fees or to reduce, there is on the part of the Federal government has no ambitions of this kind.
“Unfortunately, the Federal government missed again a Chance to support the private mobility sector in the crisis”, has criticized Schwämmlein. It is to be examined, “whether we focus on investments in Flixtrain after the pandemic increases to other markets, in which private providers of fair competition, are exposed to”.