Appeal to school-leavers
Craft has been assigned to 29,000 training places to
Hans Peter Woll zeal, President of the Central Association of German crafts (ZDH). Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa
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In spite of the Corona-crisis of the craft has yet to training capacity. Crafts President Hans Peter Woll zeal appealed to the youth to take advantage of the opportunities in this industry.
Crafts President Hans Peter Woll zeal appealed to school leavers to begin later this year, a training in the craft.
“We still have capacity: Currently over 29,000 training places are not alone in the craft still free,” said wool zeal of the “Rheinische Post” on the occasion of the day of German crafts.
“Our businesses can continue to train, and you want it too. I encourage all young people to take advantage of the opportunities in the craft and to start a training even now,” said the President of the Central Association of German crafts (ZDH). Many young people were feeling insecure due to the Corona-crisis, because they could not get enough information.
At the end of August, the craft had completed the information, 10 percent fewer training contracts than at the same time in 2019. To be the beginning of the Corona pandemic, it had been in may, but almost 19 percent less. “All I need now is momentum, so that we can hope to come to the end of the year, about the same number of Trainees as in the previous year,” said wool zeal: “Sure, we can and will also train refugees people more and deal with.”