With 6800 employees, cleans, and Dr. Sasse group from Munich, Europe is waiting far away factories, office buildings and public facilities. A successful medium-sized family-owned. Company founder Eberhard Sasse is the President of the Bavarian chamber of Commerce and industry, the largest in the country. Time to ask: What Corona is doing with his company?
SZ: Mr Sasse, clean and disinfect, the sounds in Corona, times of good business. You are a profiteer of the crisis?
Eberhard Sasse: you can’t really say. The economic downturn is hitting us hard.
How bad will it be? Have to fear your employees to your Job?
Some, Yes, but we also. The situation is differentiated. We are losing business, but we also win. The requirements change. Overall, we will grow again. It was important to communicate the clean. Also, we as a family have brought us here.
We have reaffirmed our Commitment to the company and additional liquidity provided. With video messages and team conferences, we have done this to all of our employees and customers visible again and again.
It is so bad?
The pandemic and its consequences are seen in every market and in every customer. It has changed our work in the field of Facility Management to a large extent. But it never came to a standstill, but to a sometimes – significant change of course in the tasks.
What rate of exchange is?
We were able to provide our customers the necessary security, because we were prepared, and the necessary processes had. This applies to the procurement of masks and disinfectants, as well as for the development and implementation of hygiene concepts.
Eberhard Sasse: “The Smart City and the New Work request new services and create new opportunities for us.”
(Photo: Thomas Einberger via www.imago-images.de/imago images/argum)
How important is leadership in this process?
Very important. But you have to be prepared. In our company we maintain longer lines of communication open. We need to start, create the conditions, and a challenge. This has now paid off: Many of our employees have dangers of their own networks and channels for knowledge transfer is high, a rapid exchange of experiences and information. Only the one who communicates well, is well through the crisis.
To the dangers: Many large companies work to reduce office space. Teaches you to Fear it?
This does not affect our orders, Yes, but it means automatically shrink rate. We see many customers ‘ ideas and concepts, existing objects, re-programme. From offices to homes, from buying homes, Showrooms and event spaces. All objects which still require a Facility management, but in a different Form than in the past. And the Work also changes.
You mean, it’s more of Home-in the Office?
According to recent studies, the new world of work will consist of 47.4 percent from hybrid solutions, in 23.5 per cent of cases, there will be more Home-Office. 24 per cent will rely on the presence of culture. In short: The Smart City and the New Work request new services and create new opportunities for us.
How do you want to take advantage of these opportunities?
We will streamline our processes. Not because we must but because we want to and can. This applies especially to physical and mental routines. Every Minute we spend less so we have to make more time for us and our customers of improvements and progress. We will pour our work processes into digital processes, and in this manner, predictable, reproducible and at any time verifiable make. This is directly in our ability to sustainability and supply chain security to reflect.
Sounds terrible in General. What do you mean, specifically?
Now, we, for example, pilot projects for digitisation, together with our customers. This is due to sensor-controlled processes. In practice, it looks like, that we provide a international airport, our services stubborn after hours plan and specifications, but is flexible on the number of passengers and Usage – for example, in the toilets – to the vote. The data for our Teams via the App directly to your smartphone or tablet, the document can also be resolved. In the case of special orders, such as immediately cleaning dirt on a Gate, we provide you with the Customer a picture as proof. Overall, we are thus internally and externally in a more efficient and transparent at the same time.
You currently feel the policy adequately supported?
It goes like this. The Federal government and the Länder have made in the Corona-crisis, in sum, is a neat Job. But that was expensive, and the state wants to understand to get back the money in the coffers, that is also okay …
The Moment: This is what you will find as a business representative in order?
Yes, I think that’s fine! Are you surprised? I’m not of this world. But I must warn you, to burden the German companies in international competition very much. Corporate taxes, the need for entrepreneurial planning for the future, take it seriously, may not be expected to be higher than 25 percent, including business tax.
So far, there are included, depending on how you up to 35 percent. What do you pay less, have to pay someone else. This will exacerbate the divide between rich and Poor.
I speak only of the money remains in the company. Invested and thus keeps the economy moving. For withdrawals, the full tax rate applies, of course. Incidentally, I have still further claims.
No further restrictions by excessive bureaucracy, such as working time regulations, supply chain, law, etc., maintaining – in the crisis shown and proven – flexible, largely non-bureaucratic and situational adaptation of the existing rules and regulations and current Events. And a better Integration of skilled professionals, which may come after the adoption of the new immigration act from the Non-EU area.
That’s a lot.
But all of these points are designed to secure permanently the existence and viability of family businesses. You are much more valuable and sustainable than the currently popular emergency aid, the offer always only in the short term, a solution.